

Bach­e­lor of Fine Arts, Uni­ver­sity of Man­i­toba, 2003
Men­tor­ship with Renzo Maggi, Mas­ter Stone Sculp­tor, Pietrasanta, Italy. Fall 2012

MFA, York Uni­ver­sity, 2017


Win­nipeg Transit/U of W Gate­way Pub­lic Art Com­mis­sion 2007, Win­nipeg Arts Council

ArtS­MART Grant 2007/2008 part­nered with École Dieppe in Pem­bina Trails School Division

Craft Grant 2011, Man­i­toba Arts Council

C” Grant 2006, Man­i­toba Arts Council

Stu­dent Bur­sary 2002, Man­i­toba Arts Council

1998 Geoff Giles Memo­r­ial Schol­ar­ship, Oak Park High School

Selected Exhi­bi­tions

Hylo­morphs” June, 2016

Gales Gallery, Spe­cial Projects Gallery, Pub­lic Instal­la­tion, York Uni­ver­sity, Toronto, ON, Canada

Figura” June, 2016, Katz­man Con­tem­po­rary Kon­tort Project Space, Toronto, ON, Canada

Grow-Op” May, 2016, Glad­stone Hotel, Toronto, ON, Canada

Slow Poke” Jan­u­ary, 2016, Artscape Young­place, Toronto, ON

Par­ler” Sep­tem­ber, 2015, Gales Gallery, York Uni­ver­sity, Toronto, ON, Canada

As (it) Is” Sep­tem­ber, 2014, Gales Gallery, York Uni­ver­sity, Toronto, ON, Canada

Trans-Pierre-Action” Feb­ru­ary, 2013, Cen­tre Cul­turel Franco-Manitobain, Win­nipeg, Man­i­toba, Canada

Land Lines” June 2 – July 1, 2010, Win­nipeg, MB, Canada

The Swag Bag Project” August, 2008, Semai Gallery, Win­nipeg, Man­i­toba, Canada

Scratch­ing the Sur­face: The Post Prairie Land­scape” Sept-Oct, 2007, Plug In ICA, Win­nipeg, Man­i­toba, Canada

42 Days in 18 Ways” June 8– July 1, 2007, (Col­lab­o­ra­tion with Jen­nifer Cher­ni­ack), Win­nipeg, Man­i­toba, Canada

Moss and Stone” Novem­ber 25-December 2, 2006, Win­nipeg, Man­i­toba, Canada

Spring Melee” April 6, 2006, The Free¬House, Win­nipeg, Man­i­toba, Canada

Home Sweet Home” March 9, 2006 at Gallery 36, Win­nipeg, Man­i­toba, Canada

Doug Melnyk’s Fruits &The Man Show” June 2 – July 2, 2005 at Cream Gallery, Win­nipeg, Man­i­toba, Canada

Reser­va­tions for All” May 16 – 30, 2003 Ace Art, Win­nipeg, Man­i­toba, Canada

Scratch” May 4 – 19, 2001 Uni­ver­sity of Man­i­toba Stu­dent Exhi­bi­tion at Ace Art, Win­nipeg, Man­i­toba, Canada

Pub­lic Art/Symposia

Magic of Mar­ble” Mar­ble Carv­ing Sym­po­sium, 2012 and 2013
Syla­cauga, Alabama, USA

city.block.stop” Artist Designed Bus Shel­ter and Sculp­ture June 2, 2010
Col­lec­tion of the City of Win­nipeg, Man­i­toba, Canada

The Sta­lag­mites” Tem­po­rary Pub­lic Instal­la­tion March 25 — April 3, 2005
Win­nipeg, Man­i­toba, Canada


Col­lec­tion of The City of Winnipeg

Col­lec­tion of Pason Sys­tems inc.

Col­lec­tion of Man­i­toba Hydro

Numer­ous Pri­vate col­lec­tions internationally

Selected Print Media

Win­nipeg Free Press
Thurs­day, June 3, 2010 p. A6
“Tran­sit shel­ter designed to be pub­lic work of art”

Scratch­ing the Sur­face: The Post Prairie Land­scape
Steven Mati­j­cio (et al.), 2008 p. 156
Plug In Edi­tions, Win­nipeg, MB

Uptown Mag­a­zine
Octo­ber 4, 2007 p. 5
“Art Against the Grain: Exhibit offers con­tem­po­rary look at the Prairies through the works of 19 local artists” by Stacey Abramson

The Uniter
Octo­ber 4, 2007 p. 12
“North­ern Enlight­en­ment: See the ‘Post Prairie Land­scape’ ” at the Plug In ICA” by Dana Murray

Win­nipeg Free Press
Thurs­day, June 7, 2007 p. D1
“Art and water­craft” by Mor­ley Walker

La Lib­erté Loisirs
Vol. 93 n. 34, Decem­ber 6–12, 2006 p. 3
“L’œil de David Per­rett” by Patri­cia Sauzède-Bilodeau