
Mar­ble is such a beau­ti­ful medium to carve, this block had a nearly homo­ge­neous matrix through­out. My last cou­ple of weeks I have been work­ing on a sculp­ture from a block that I have been pon­der­ing for sev­eral years.

I wanted to con­tinue with the per­fo­rated con­cept that I started with the works posted in my last entry, but try to take it fur­ther. It is a har­row­ing process to remove this much mate­r­ial from the stone, and I was in con­stant fear of break­age. I am quite happy with the way this sculp­ture has taken shape, and thought I would post an in progress image for all to see.

I still have a fair bit of pol­ish­ing to do, but the form is com­plete. I am through the most dan­ger­ous part of the carv­ing, but part of me is still ner­vous, and will be until the process is com­plete. After the stone work is done, I will also be exper­i­ment­ing with some audio reac­tive lighting.

Date: Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Category: Blog

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