Category: Blog

New limestone sculptures

I’ve spent the last sev­eral weeks devel­op­ing a noise reac­tive base for the “Reef Bowl” from the last post, and chip­ping away at some new lime­stone works. I am now the proud owner of a par­tially noise reac­tive circuit(it reacts, just not com­pletely how I intend it), and 2 new lime­stone sculptures.

The test LEDs for the reac­tive base are now chang­ing in accor­dance to the noise gen­er­ated in the sur­round­ing room, but there are still some kinks to work out so I con­tinue to work on it.


The Oxbow is 6.5″ x 11″ x 2″

River Ves­sel” 6″ x 10″ x 5″













The sculp­tures are a con­tin­u­a­tion on what I began with the per­fo­rated arches from late 2011. I am enjoy­ing del­i­cacy that I have been able to achieve work­ing this way, and the light­ness of the stone is very pleasing.

Close up on the sur­face of the “River Ves­sel” 6″ x 10″ x 5″


Mar­ble is such a beau­ti­ful medium to carve, this block had a nearly homo­ge­neous matrix through­out. My last cou­ple of weeks I have been work­ing on a sculp­ture from a block that I have been pon­der­ing for sev­eral years.

I wanted to con­tinue with the per­fo­rated con­cept that I started with the works posted in my last entry, but try to take it fur­ther. It is a har­row­ing process to remove this much mate­r­ial from the stone, and I was in con­stant fear of break­age. I am quite happy with the way this sculp­ture has taken shape, and thought I would post an in progress image for all to see.

I still have a fair bit of pol­ish­ing to do, but the form is com­plete. I am through the most dan­ger­ous part of the carv­ing, but part of me is still ner­vous, and will be until the process is com­plete. After the stone work is done, I will also be exper­i­ment­ing with some audio reac­tive lighting.

New Website in 2012

2012 is shap­ing up to be an excit­ing year I have just wel­comed my son, Onyx, into the world and am get­ing back into pro­duc­tion after a lit­tle “New Familly Break”.

I have been work­ing to fin­ish up the works that I have had in progress for the last cou­ple of months, some pretty chal­leng­ing works that I wanted off my plate before delv­ing into some of the new con­cepts that my MAC grant is funding.

Pierced Arches” is 6.5″ x 20″ x 6.5″

My work has taken a new twist into new media in the last sev­eral months. Works are in devel­op­ment that incor­po­rate micro-controllers, allow­ing the newest series of works to respond to the world around them.

With the mate­ri­als I have stock­piled in the last 6 months, I look for­ward to being able to have some reg­u­lar updates and images to post on this blog, works in progress, and images of fin­ished work that have not yet been for­mally pho­tographed for display.

It’s nice to be able to say I have the mate­ri­als, the toys, and the time to really get into the work.

Com­pleted this sculp­ture at the tail end of last year. 19″ x 10″ x 13″









Check back soon,

David Per­rett